Help Beacons

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The ZE website has "help beacons" at the bottom of every page. For students, it provides access to help articles for our website and is where they can contact customer services. For teachers, it provides searchable access to this manual.


At the bottom of every page of the website, whether you are logged in or not, you can access the "student help beacon". 

Students can click on the beacon to find help articles. So, it's a great place to refer students who are having technical problems. Click the link yourself and browse, even if you can't speak Japanese.

Students can click here to contact customer services if they have a problem, enquiry or complaint:


When you log in as a teacher, the help beacon will change to "Zenglish Teacher's Guide".

The beacon provides another way of accessing this guide. Click on the table of contents.

And browse the guide from the website.

If you click on an entry, it will open up. Feel free to search "links" or something in class if you're having an issue. If you can't find what you're looking for or a student can't resolove their problem, please contact ZE-Oncall on Slack ASAP.

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