Register For Our Website

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Head over to our teacher registration page and follow the steps to sign up for our website

Important: Your username is the same as your chosen teacher nickname

You will receive an email that looks like this:

Click the link to head to the login page or head to our website ( and click "Login" in the navigation bar:

Fill in your username and password. Then, click "Log In"

You will arrive at the teacher dashboard:

Once you've done that. Fill out your Teacher Information Form. This will give us the details we need for your teacher profile, so we can promote you to students.

Once you've filled it out. Hit the submit button at the bottom of the page

You'll see a little red spinning icon for a few moments. Please don't refresh or navigate away from the page until you see the confirmation message:

Once you're all set up. Please head to the Website Section of this guide to learn more, or return to contents to continue working through this guide.

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