Teacher's Dashboard (Comments)

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The Teacher's Dashboard is the most important page for a teacher on the website: it's where you view your schedule, check booked students, write comments and confirm or deny 1on1 requests. To access the dashboard, click on "Staff Dashboard" in the top menu.

Lesson Comments

The fourth tab is for lesson comments. After each class, use this section to write comments, read through a student's feedback from teachers and even respond to messages from the student.

To write a message, click on the "Select Class" drop-down box and find the class you just taught.

Then, click on the "Student Name" drop-down box and find the name of the student. 

Assess level -- see the Feedback Section for more details. If you think the level should be changed, you must contact Oncall. Otherwise, leave the level as is.

Write Comments:

  1. Mark the student as "attended" if they were in the class. Untick if they didn't attend to refund their points
  2. Fill in your comment to the student -- see the Writing Comments page for tips
  3. Fill in private remarks to other teachers (Optional) -- a good place to record things you learn about students, or student technical issues, or general tips about dealing with a particular student.

When you've finished, click "Comment"

With a group class, you can switch between students in the same class and repeat the process for each student.

Student Histories:

If you scroll down, you'll find the "Student Histories" section. You can see every historic comment you've made and any student responses.

You can also edit historic comments by click "edit" below the comment you want to work on.

You can see student comments below yours:

And you can respond by writing an additional comment for the same class (using the method at the top of this page)

For more details on comments and giving feedback, please head to the Feedback Section to learn about writing comments, levels and video feedback.

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