Content Library

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To access the content library, click on "Content Library" in the top bar. Or use this link.

In the content library, you'll find all of our materials from the last few years. 

Click on the slide download drop-down menus to download pdfs of recent slides past, present and future:

Select Level:

Once Loaded, you can share your screen on Zoom or click the button to download the slides.

If you click on the weekly slides at the top of the page

You'll find a package of tools for both students and teachers for the weekly materials.

Scroll down to discover video introductions to the weekly topic, on-topic Ask-The-Teacher videos, interactive content and links to articles on related topics.,

Try playing the videos, try the quizzes and games. You can even play the games with students in class. This is especially useful for lower level students in 1on1 classes.


On the main content page, if you scroll down, you'll find hundreds of articles on a wide range of topics, each designed specially to help the students learn. Our teachers write these articles during content work.

If you click on an article, it will open up:

Click on the play button to hear a voice over of the article.

Scroll down to find a list of vocabulary, with both Japanese and English translations, and voice overs of the pronunciations and example sentences.

Scroll further to see speed reading interactive games, ask the teacher videos and skit quizzes.

Share these resources with your students, use them to get ideas for things to talk about in class, use them as an in class resource.

Encourage the students to use their content library between lessons to practice their English skills, and learn how to express themselves in theiir unique areas of interest. 

Remember: The Content Library is just another tool to help build relationships between the teacher, students, their passion for the English language and their love of sharing culture and ideas.

If you have been assigned to produce content, see the Content Section of this guide. Otherwise, feel free to have an explore, use our content creatively in classes and even make suggestions.

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