Participant List

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The participant list is for for allowing students into the class from the waiting room.

To access the participant list, click on the button in the zoom meeting controls:

If you aren't sharing your screen, the participant list will appear at the side:

If you are sharing your screen, the participant list will appear floating. Much like the chatbox, it is movable and re-sizable:

When a student enters the class they will appear in the waiting room:

You can admit the students one by one:

Or you can "admit all".

Once admitted, it will say joining for a few moments (sometimes a minute or so). Then the student will enter.

If you can't hear a student when they enter, check to see if they have a microphone on the participant list:

If there isn't a microphone symbol next to their name, that means the student hasn't joined audio. Wait a few moments. If they still don't join, type something like "Please join audio" into the chatbox. 

If they continue to have problems, send them to this link for audio help in Japanese. (Can be found in the useful links section or the #links Slack channel)

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