Class Etiquette
With group classes, there are a few small points that will help you interact with students and help them feel like you're treating them equally and fairly. This is an important aspect for customer service and helps you remain popular with students.
Guideline 1: the first student to enter the class goes first in the first activity
Students who turn up early, don't like going last in the first activity (e.g. the warm up question on the front page). Make sure you address them first of all.
Of course it's fine to change around the order after that so everyone gets a fair shout. But try to make sure that the person who turns up first feels like their keen attitude is rewarded.
Guideline 2: Equal Speaking Time
Again, students like to feel like they are getting a fair amount of the teacher's attention. Of course, it's impossible to be perfect -- some students never ask questions, others talk a lot, while other still are shy.
With talkative students, feel free to cut them off if they go on for more than a couple of minutes. Apologise to them and move to the next student
With quiet students, encourage them to contribute by asking a follow up question or helping them express themselves.
Guideline 3: Maximise Student Talking Time
Try not to talk to much. You are "the guide at the side" rather than the centre of attention. Allow the students to talk, make mistakes and so on. Of course, correct them or ask for clarification if you don't understand them.
You are the moderator of student's talking time. This is especially true towards the end of the class with role plays and discussions. At the beginning of the class it's fine to talk a bit more as you explain.