Website & Log-In Problems
If your problem is with logging in, using the dashboard, trying to enter the classroom or any other problem on the website, try the following steps:
1. Check your internet connection loading another page in another tab. If it's working fine, continue. If you're having trouble logging in, please double check you're using the right username and password.
2. Refresh the page by pressing F5 or click the refresh button on your browser.
3. If that doesn't work, try a hard refresh using by pressing "Ctrl+f5"
3. Restart your browser
4. Try a different browser - we recommend having both firefox and chrome installed on your computer just in case. You can download firefox here and chrome here.
5. Clear cache & cookies. For clearing firefox cache click here for cookies click here. For Chrome click here for both.
6.If none of that works, let Oncall know what you've tried and they'll make further suggestions or investigate the issue on the backend.