Behavioural Issues

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For the most part, our students are polite and kind in class. But if you do encounter any unacceptable behaviour such as rudeness, use of profanity, sexual harassment, prejudice, bullying or anything else, please contact OnCall immediately. We will either jump in class to advise if we are around, or watch the video afterwards.

If you do come up against a tough student, it's best to refer back to basic rules of politeness. Ask them to be considerate of the other students. It's a really good idea to set rules at the beginning of the class or at the start of a discussion. Remember, you are in charge of the class.

As always, it's best to steer clear of very contentious issues like politics and religion - even though we have to talk about it a little bit, it's best not to share your own opinion too deeply or to get into debates with students. Try to remain respectful with a student, even if you do strongly disagree. Whatever disagreement between students, try to be a neutral moderator for the class.

If you feel uncomfortable in any way due to student behaviour, please do not hesitate to contact OnCall via Slack or Email. If it's a sensitive matter, you can contact Ben privately at

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