Unforeseen Circumstances

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Now and again, every teacher has issues arising from unforeseen circumstances. We understand everyone has complex lives and has problems now and again. Should you have problems please consider the following:


If you are ill, injured or otherwise unable to teach, please let us know ASAP, so we can find subs. Even a few hours can make a big difference when finding cover for classes. Though we accept this isn't always possible, let us know 24-72 hours before the class start time.

Arriving Late

We expect you to log into class 10 minutes before the class start time (:50). If you are going to be late for any reason, please message Oncall ASAP so we can cover the class until you arrive. If you consistently arrive late, we might reduce your schedule.

Personal Issues:

If you have any other kind of personal issue, like a bereavement or family emergency, please get in touch with Oncall as soon as you know to discuss. We will do everything we can to help.

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