Providing Backup
When assigned a content shift, you are also responsible for providing back up to other classes if one of the teachers scheduled at the same time has a problem. Sometimes you will be called in to cover for 5 minutes while the teacher restarts. Other times, you will be asked to cover a whole class.
If the change happens before your shift, you will be notified by Oncall. Otherwise, please make sure you have Slack open during a content shift, so we can message you to enter the class.
Entering a class in progress
When asked to enter a class, use the following steps:
1. Find the class on the schedule and click enter -- just like when entering your own class. You might be put into a waiting room for a few moments until the Oncall manager lets you in.
2. When you enter, switch your video on and mic as soon as you are able. Wait for any talking to stop and greet everyone.
3. Wait for the Oncall manager to promote you to host. A message will pop up:
4. If the teacher is there, let them know that you can take over. If not, get right into teaching the class.
Handing over to a returning teacher
If a teacher is able to return to the class, use the following procedure to hand over
1. Greet them and ask if everything's okay.
2. Make sure their video and sound is working.
3. Make them the host of the room. Hover your mouse over the teacher's name:
Click "more"
Select "make host" A message will pop up confirming
5. Switch off your camera and wait for 1-2 mins to make sure the teacher is okay.
6. Leave and message Oncall in slack. Let them know how the returning teacher is getting along.