Using Flipgrid

p> Flipgrid is the software we use to record most videos for content work.

When assigned to record a video, you will be given a Flipgrid link. Click the link:

It will bring you to a page focused on the specific topic you will be working on.

(ATT=Ask The Teacher)

Scroll down. Feel free to click on the videos to see what other teachers have recorded.

When you're ready, click the "+" or the red "Record a Response" button

A window will pop up asking you to log in with Microsoft or Google. 

Please choose one of the options and follow the instructions to log in:

Once finished, your video should pop up

Click the red camera icon to start recording. Make sure each video is between 45 seconds and 2 minutes in length:

You can also upload a pre-recorded video (perhaps done in ZOOM) by clicking the upload button:

And drag and drop your video into the area:

While recording you can pause if you need to stop. Press the "redo" button if you want to start recording from the start again:

Once you are finished, click the "next" button:

Your video will start playing so you can check it. Click anywhere in the timeline to trim the video:

Drag the start to cut any dead air at the beginning. Drag the end, to trim the end of the video:

Click confirm when done:

Then take a selfie to go with the video: 

Click the "camera" button, when ready:

To select a frame from your video as a selfie, just click the "...":

The click "select frame":

Once you're happy with your photo, click next: 

You'll then be presented with a short form:

Fill out your name in the display name category. Some teachers also add details of the task set to, like student level or the question.

You may add a title if you wish, but leave the "link" box blank. Once done, click confirm and your video will appear on flipgrid. You might need to refresh to see your video listed.

Watch this video for more tips and advice on using Flipgrid from Ben:

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