Process 1on1 Videos

  1. Head the 1on1 Video Feedback Flipgrid page, just as you would to record a video yourself
  2. Scroll down to see the videos: 
  3. Go to your oncall report and find the first 1on1 45 minute class and find the video that matches up to that on the list - you usually have to click inside the videos to see the details
  4. Once you've found the right class, click on it and a new page will open up:
  5. Scroll down to find the "date-time-student-teacher" tag and make a note of it. It will help you find the right class.
  6. Then click on the three dots on the right and select "Share Video". Copy the Share URL
  7. In a text file, paste the URL into this HTML code:
    <a href="THECOPIEDLINKURL" target="_blank">TV Comment</a><p />
  8. Use the 'Switch User' option at the top of the ZEnglish site. Type in the name of the teacher who taught the class and press enter
  9. Click on the teacher's name to log into the ZE site as them. Go to 'Staff' and then 'Lesson Comments' on the ZE site.
  10. Navigate to the relevant class, and click 'edit', then paste the HTML code (from above) into the start of the teacher's comment to the student.
  11. Once you have clicked 'Comment' to save your edit, click on the link to make sure you have linked to the correct video.
  12. Navigate to the next video.
  13. Repeat steps 4-10 until you've shared links to all the videos.
  14. Tick the oncall report by marking the video box with an "x" for that class.
  15. If any teacher hasn't uploaded their video to flipgrid, mark the video box with "no video" and message the teacher on slack or via email.