Check 1on1 Pending

1. While logged in to the website as oncall (login details are on the oncall report in Onenote), click on the "gAppointments" button in the grey bar at the top of the page. In the drop-down menu select "Appointments"

2. When the page loads, click to show just the pending classes. This will show classes that haven't been accepted or declined by teachers.

3. If the appointment was requested 2 or more days ago, send a reminder by email or slack to the teacher and ask them to accept or reject the request as soon as possible. You can find the teacher by looking in the provider column. The teacher should then confirm or cancel the appointment as they choose.

  1. If the class is less than 2 days from today, and the teacher hasn't responded, mark the class cancelled and let Keiko know the day/time/teacher/student so she can contact the student and tell them the class was cancelled

8. You can manually cancel or accept a class for a teacher (by changing the "pending" box to "confirmed" (to book it - but we rarely ever need to do this unless a teacher asks us) or "cancelled" (if the teacher can't/won't teach it, or didn't respond at all and the class is less than 36 hours away).