Enter Teacher's Classes
There are two ways of entering a class:
Entering a Teacher's class that is already underway:
If a class is already underway, you can enter the class from the Zoom live meetings page (https://zoom.us/account/metrics/livemeetings)
1. Click on the Meeting ID for the class: 2. Click on "Join As Live assistant" and Zoom will load you into the class as a Co-host - You can also use this page to view student log in times, internet strength and so on to troubleshoot issues
3. While in the class, leave off your camera unless you are covering for a teacher. If you are required to cover, turn on your camera.
Entering a Class that hasn't started yet
If a teacher hasn't started the class yet, it won't appear on Zoom. You need to start the class yourself from the Teacher's Dashboard (https://zenglish.jp/teachers-dashboard/)
1. Click on the class as if you were entering as a teacher, click the enter button and the class will start with the teacher's personal meeting room.
2. When the teacher arrives, make sure they are the host.