Comments Not Appearing After Class
If Comments aren't appearing after class, it can usually be solved by the following method. It is due to the fact that the website hasn't realised the class has finished. You'll notice the class is still appearing on the schedule after it's finished.
- Head to the class records page and navigate to the table at the very top of the page called "Class Records"
- Filter by date by entering today's date in the "From" and "To" fields (you have to wait for it to load between entering, so be patient here)
- Once Loaded find the class, and check the "Status". Make sure the status says "Past", if it says "Live" or "Upcoming", then you'll need to change it
- To change the status, double click in the field and enter "Past" instead. Then click away to save the change.
Then refresh the schedule page to make sure the class has vanished and let the teacher know they can write comments now.
- If for any reason this doesn't fix the issue, report it to Ben and Tom.