Upload ASPJ videos

ASPJ videos (the classes taught a couple of times a month byJuanita, DJ and Kimbra) are uploaded to a secure Vimeo account.

These are not to be confused with the purple ASP andASP-1on1 classes (which are mainly on Mondays), which are treated the same asgroup lessons

The videos are kept in Zoom recording management: https://zoom.us/recording/management

Scroll down until you find the classes for the right day/time/teacher.

In this example, Juanita's 3 classes started at 15.49 (the 16.00 class), etc. on December 14th. Click on the Class and then on 'Shared screen with gallery view' to download a video recording of the entire lesson.

Download the classes Name the files as follows: date(MMDD)-time-ASP(level number)-teacher. For example, the above class would be 1214-1600-ASP1-Juanita

Log into https://vimeo.com/ as Lyngo. Click on the 'New Video' dropdown in the top-right of the screen and select 'Upload'. Upload the videos you have downloaded. You can do this in bulk, but it's easier to do it one-by-one.

While uploading, go to the Privacy tab and click 'password' so this video can only be seen by the right person. The password for these is joyjoy2023.

In the player tab (shown above) select 'ZE' from the dropdown list and click 'Save' at the bottom of the tab.

When the file has uploaded, I recommend navigating to the Library (where you can see all the videos) and drag the video(s) you've downloaded into the JOYJOY ENGLISH folder, for the sake of tidiness.