Teaching Materials

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To access Teaching Materials for whatever type of class you are teaching, hover over on "Staff Dashboard" in menu bar at the top. A drop-down box will appear, saying "Teaching Materials".

Click on Teaching Materials:

This opens our content menu. The materials we use in classes. You can also access the slides by clicking here.

If you are teaching a Group class, your choice of material is based on the Level and whether the class is business or daily. These classes each have a weekly topic.

So if you're assigned to a business advanced class, click on "Business Lessons"

Then click "Advanced"

The slides will load:

Navigating the Slides

You can navigate between the slides in three ways

1. Using the page turn buttons at the bottom left (Recommended)

2. Hovering over the blank space either side of the slide, waiting for the cursor to become an arrow, and clicking (Highly Recommended)

3. Scrolling up and down (Not Recommended)

The same is true of daily group classes. For details on weekly class materials and how to teach them, see the Group Class Section. For how to share slides in ZOOM see the Zoom Section.

Using Materials in 1on1 Classes

When you have a 1on1 class, a student might ask you to choose the weekly materials, business or Daily. In that case, you simply navigate to the page they want, just like a group class and ask what level they'd like to study

You can also use content from previous weeks by downloading the pdf from our Content Library.

A student might bring in their own materials along or you might provide some unique materials yourself. 

For more details on how to teach 1on1s see the 1on1 Section.

Open the slide for assigned type and level of your class from 'Teaching material' tab on the Staff Dashboard. 

ASP Materials

ASP materials have their own section and have materials assigned to the different grades. Each has button to access slides and a set of connected interactive games to play with the students.

If you are assigned to these classes, you will have special training.

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