Using Trello
For content work, we use the task-listing website, Trello. When you first do a content shift with us, you'll be invited to our Content Board via email:
Click "Go To Board"
Our Trello task board will appear:. At the top their will be a pop-up asking your to create an account. Click "create an account".
Follow the instructions to create an account. Once you're in, you'll be returned to the Trello board.
Any tasks assigned to you will be in one of the first two columns. So check in "Miscellaneous" or "Tasks".
To see whether a task is assigned to you, check the little avatars or name badges at the bottom left of the card.
Hover over an avatar or name badge to check if it's you:
Click any of the empty space on a card to open it up:
The card will open up. Please read the instructions carefully:
Some tasks have links and tutorials in the description. If you have any further questions, ask Oncall via Slack or email.
Video Tasks are recorded on Flipgrid. Check the Flipgrid tutorial on the card and click the Flipgrid link on the card to record.
For written work, write it in Microsoft Word or another word processor and drag and drop the file it from your computer into the card:
The file will take a few moments to upload, don't navigate away.
Once the upload is complete. The file will appear on the card under "attachments":
Once done, tick the check list.
You may be assigned different work on a different board. If that's the case, you'll be invited to a new board, which will work in a similar way.
Save this link for the main content board as a favourite: