Class Records Table (aka Backoffice)

The Class Records Table is where OnCall does a lot of admin related to booking and unbooking students from classes. We only really use the top two tables.

This page explains

  1. How to use the Class Records Table (which gives details of classes)
  2. How to use the Attendance Editable Table (which gives details of bookings and attendance)
  3. How to book a student into a class
  4. How to cope with 'stuck classes' which won't show up on comment pages.

Class Records

The Class Records table lets you look up any class number. For example, when booking students into a class, you need their class number.

Class Records Table The first table on the page

If you just want to look up one particular day's classes, you can use the search field at the bottom of the Date column (for example, search from 2024-03-13 to 2024-03-13 to just show classes from March 13th 2024).

If you have just created a bunch of classes, you can sort by ZE Class ID (the first column) and the highest numbers will be the classes that have most recently been created. This can be useful when importing 1on1s and booking students into classes.

Attendance - Editable

The second table on the page is the Attendance - Editable table. We can use this to see, at a glance, who is/isn't booked into a class, and who attended. We can also use it to book people into classes.

To look up one particular class, you can find the class number by using the first table, and then search for that class number in the second table.

An example of the Attendance-Editable table showing a class

In this case, we searched for class 87293. There are two lines in the example.

One is the teacher. (We can tell it's the teacher because the Student ID and Teacher ID are both the same: 178. '1' in the attended means they did attend the class.

The other is the student, number 22. They have '1' in the registered column (meaning they booked) and '1' in the attended column (meaning they attended the class).

Booking a student into a class

You can use this table to reserve a class for a student. First, find the class number in the first table. Then, over the second table, click '+ New Entry'.

Adding a new booking to a class
  1. In the first field, write the 5-digit class number. As mentioned before, you can find this in the first table.
  2. In the second field, write the student number. When OnCall is processing 1on1s the spreadsheet provides you with this number. Alternatively, you can search for students by name on the Users page to find their number
  3. In the third field, add the teacher number.
  4. We use 'registered' to mean someone has booked a class. To reserve/book a class, use '1'. To cancel a reservation, use '-1'.
  5. We use 'attended' to mean someone was in a class. When reserving a class ahead of time, always leave this field as '0'. Sometimes, if a student has technical issues early on and has to leave, we cancel their attendance by turning this to '-1'.
  6. Click 'OK', and it's done!

Stuck Classes

Sometimes a teacher will complain that a particular class doesn't show up for them to leave a comment. This usually means the class has got 'stuck' as 'upcoming', a problem we can easily fix with the Class Records Table.

In this example, I've filtered the table to show just today's date, and have sorted it by start time. The 7.50 class here is stuck as 'Upcoming' (you can tell it's stuck, because a class from a later time already shows as 'Past'.

This is very easy to solve. Just double-click where it says 'Upcoming', and change the text to 'Past'. Once you've done that, when the teacher refreshes their page, they'll now be able to comment on the class.