Sharing Screens & Annotations
When teaching at ZEnglish, we share slides, webpages and other teaching materials using Zoom. While teaching, you'll spend a lot of time screen-sharing.
To share the lesson slides with the students, first navigate to the teaching materials page and open the slides for your class in Chrome or Firefox.
We recommend making the slides smaller than full screen, so you have space on your screen for the chatbox, participant list and zoom meeting controls.
With the slides open, go back into Zoom and click the share button
A screen will pop up, showing all the available windows to share on your computer:
Select on the window with the slides and click "share"
Avoid clicking on the first option or two, called "screen 1" or "screen 2" or something similar. Selecting those options will share your entire desktop with the students.
If you plan to share sound or video, tick the options at the bottom right of the share dialog.
Once you've started sharing your screen, the Zoom client will disappear, the window you shared will be surrounded by green and the zoom meeting controls will appear at the top or bottom of the screen.
To navigate through the slides see the instructions here on using the teaching materials.
Click "annotate"
Another set of controls will appear:
There are tonnes of options to choose from, so feel free to experiment and try out different tools.
To clear the page, click "clear". Make sure to do this before moving to the next page of the slide.
While annotating, Zoom won't allow you to change pages on the slides, so before moving onto another page, make sure to press "clear" and then click the "mouse" button.
This option lets the students see your mouse movements, but it also allows you to control the slides and get to the next page.